Accompaniment in this Direct Way
Do you want to find your origin, your original strength and put it in motion in ordinary life...?...
Do you want to leave this space of suffering and return to Safe Earth... ?...
Do you no longer want to be subjected to your entire emotional system... your wandering thoughts... your theories... and act free and light carried by the wind... ?...
Do you want to know why you are on this Earth... and do your work...?...
For this, I can accompany you in this Direct Way that goes directly to the origin ...
the journey takes place in the body, which has all the Knowledge of the Universe in its cells...
with the help of teachings for the alignment of the mind and practices for the alignment of the body...
To Understand and to Act
Teachings transmit us the Passion to discover what we are, allow us to understand the challenge of the life, to be determined on what we want to live. We touch a Force inside our cells, a Presence which pushes us to act with enthusiasm.
They lighten us in this walking...
Practices allow to find again the working of the body in harmony with its Original Perfection. It is the key and needs to be prepared by energy treatments, openings of memory, learning of practices, energy exercices, relaxation. It is by the action that we will find happiness we are looking for.
Received almost every months, a treatment allows to find again the good working of the body, while making circulate correctly energy in the energy circuits, while raising blockages and while reconnecting to the Force which is in each one of the cells of the body.
After 8 or 10 months, the body prepared by the treatments and the practices, the openings of the memories of the emotional body permit to see again our Original Perfection, to see our Plan of Life and the tools with which we came: it is the liberation by knowledge and the action.
They permit to be in contact with the memory of humanity and to go deeper in the knowledge of the Universe.
Very precise means have like destination to gradually make space inside our body, space in which we feel protected, loved, and thus gentleness can again settle. By a regular practice, our body become stronger, more dynamic, we find our breathing and the desire for acting.
They are a complement in the preparation of the body, a succession of exercices for the good working of the organs (lungs, kidneys, liver, heart, spleen), they stabilize again the energy circulating in these organs, soothing the emotions linked to each one of them.
The body is the work tool... physical exercices are proposed to make it or keep it toned... TRX... weights... rubber bands... lagging... walking... yoga...
All the work is done in the relaxation and flexibility. The body is tired of all coercions, rules which were or are imposed to it. It is not the result which is important but the attention to the means used, to the Gentleness puts in movement.
If you are interested, I can accompany you by mail, skype...
link to contact me : contact