Iceberg - 3 Circles of Knowledge



Like the iceberg has a visible part...

a part invisible for the external eye...


and a mysterious part...



there exists 3 Circles of Knowledge :


an External Circle: knowledge of the organisation of the universe, of its working...


" To look and to feel the life in its Reality, without filter.

Here is the Essence of the External Circle of knowledge."



an Internal Circle : in it the organisation of the universe is diluted....


" This is thus those who will have developed this Consciousness which is inside each one, what some people call « the Intelligence of God », who will enter in the possibilities of knowledges linked to the Internal Circle and will benefit from its Powers of Transformation."





"The External Circle and the Internal Circle follow one another and complement. There is a linear progression that I could say « arithmetic »."

Tantric Teachings 0




a Secret Circle : to touch the very mystery of the Life, to find again the entire osmosis with the Origin... being again ONE


These are the Tantric teachings




Each one of the Circles has also an external, internal, and secret part...

Pride makes us maintain in the external part, the head, the analytic comprehension stumbles endlessly on itself... Only the body can enter again deeper and deeper in Knowledge... Consciousness develops... and nothing more can be done at a given moment...