

« Knowing to be content, it is having a treasure ».




Contentment : to be with what IS here, in an extreme relaxed attention... without waiting for the situation to be pleasant or unpleasant... to be simply, naturally in the movement with a true attention to the space, to the event which is there.

Personal satisfaction is not there, it is soft, it is silent, it is light... it is contentment quite simply !!!!!...



« It is this commitment for the other, this attention to the movement, in this will to heal a situation, to help somebody which permits this meeting with this gentleness, which causes enormous contentment which is established in the body, the spirit ». 




In the space of separation, contentment becomes a subtle trap of laziness, with a slowing-down or a stop of the movement which is called : « that enough for me !», it becomes a wall, as an obviousness which is built and which justifies the gestures and closes in its space of obviousness... At the beginning, the savour apparently looks the same....but the sleepiness settles.



« It is when I come back on foot to the monastery that I understand how to practice to break this wall of silence and of contentment :

I will mess things up !»

Tiger Man 71